Code Compliance

Maintaining code compliance is essential for any business in Fort Worth, TX. Not only can it help you stay out of trouble with the law, but it can also help ensure the safety of your employees and customers. That’s where Buffalo Electric comes in. We are a full-service electrical contractor that can help you with all your code compliance needs. We have extensive experience with both commercial and residential properties, so we know exactly what it takes to keep your business up to code.

Our team can help you with a variety of code compliance needs, including:

  • Electrical Inspections: We can perform a thorough inspection of your property to ensure that all your electrical systems are up to code.
  • Repair and Replacement: If we find any electrical systems that are not up to code, we can repair or replace them as needed.
  • Maintenance: We offer regular maintenance services to help you keep your electrical systems in good working order and up to code.
  • Wiring and Rewiring: We can handle all your wiring and rewiring needs, whether you’re adding new electrical systems or upgrading existing ones.
  • Code Corrections: If you have any code violations, we can help you correct them so you can avoid fines or other penalties.

Our services can help your business in a number of ways, including:

  • Avoiding Fines: By staying up to code, you can avoid costly fines from the city or other authorities.
  • Preventing Accidents: By ensuring that your electrical systems are up to code, you can help prevent fires and other accidents.
  • Ensuring Safety: By keeping your electrical systems in good working order, you can help ensure the safety of your employees and customers.
  • Reducing Downtime: By having a regular maintenance schedule in place, you can help reduce or even eliminate downtime caused by electrical problems.
  • Improving Efficiency: Upgrading your electrical systems can help improve the efficiency of your business.
  • Saving Money: In many cases, upgrading your electrical systems can save you money in the long run.

If you don’t maintain code compliance, you could be putting your home or business at risk in several ways, including:

  • Fines and Penalties: If you are found to be in violation of the code, you could face costly fines or even lose your business license.
  • Accidents: A faulty electrical system can lead to fires, electrocutions, and other accidents.
  • Safety Hazards: Poorly maintained electrical systems can create a number of safety hazards for your employees and customers.
  • Downtime: Electrical problems can cause extensive downtime for your business.
  • Inefficiency: Outdated or improper wiring can lead to decreased efficiency in your business.
  • Increased Costs: Upgrading your electrical systems can be expensive, but it’s often cheaper than dealing with the consequences of not upgrading.

Our electricians can inspect your electrical system to make the appropriate updates.

Buffalo Electric has experienced electricians for residential electrical services, but we also serve local businesses in Fort Worth, TX, including:

  • Restaurants: We can help you with all your code compliance needs, from electrical inspections to wiring and rewiring.
  • Retail Stores: We offer comprehensive services to help you keep your store up to code to keep your store open for business!
  • Office Buildings: Our electrician can help you with a variety of code compliance needs specific to offices such as creating sufficient outlets for computers, phones, and other electronic devices.
  • Warehouses: We offer comprehensive services to help you keep your warehouse up to code, including electrical inspections, repair and replacement, and maintenance.
  • Manufacturing Facilities: Our electrician can help you with all your code compliance needs to keep your manufacturing plant running optimally.
  • Schools: We can help you with all your code compliance needs to keep students safe.
  • Hospitals: We can ensure that your hospital or healthcare facility is up to code so you can focus on patient care while we keep the electricity going without jeopardizing sensitive equipment.

When hiring an electrician, there are a few things you should keep in mind, including:

  • Experience: Make sure the contractor you hire has experience with code compliance.
  • Services Offered: Make sure the contractor you hire offers the services you need.
  • Pricing: Get a few quotes from different contractors to compare pricing.
  • References: Ask for references from the contractor’s past customers.
  • Guarantees: Make sure the contractor you hire offers a satisfaction guarantee.

If you’re looking for an electrician to get help with code compliance in Fort Worth, TX, contact Buffalo Electric today. We offer a wide range of services to help businesses stay up to code, and we proudly serve businesses in Fort Worth, TX. We offer a wide range of services to help businesses stay up to code, and we’re happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact us today for more information.